The marriage is a very special occasion in a woman's life where a special glow is imparted on the bride's face. In the past, it was the friends and relatives who used to help the bride in dressing up for the wedding. However, today, there are professionals who take care of all parts of Indian Bridal Make up.

One Indian Bridal Make Up tip is to first complete the make up, and then decide on the hairstyle. This is because once the makeup is set; it is possible to choose the best hairstyle for the bride. For bridal make up, the face is first thoroughly cleaned after which a concealer is applied to cover patchy and non-uniform skin. It is also used to hide dark circles and other blemishes on the skin. After this, a pancake is applied to give the face a uniform base to put make up on.
While keeping the skin tone of the bride in mind, the right foundation shade is smoothed over so that it blends with skin color. Once the concealer, pancake and foundation are applied on the face and neck, the eyeliner, mascara and eye shadow are applied. After this compact and translucent powder are applied to hide the shine of the make up. Lips are to be outlined using a lip liner, and then filled with lipstick. The bride is made to glow using glitters over the eyebrows, chin and cheekbones.
One Indian bridal make up tip to remember is to choose eye shadow colors that suit the skin color of the bride. This is why it is important to avoid using blue and green as eye shadows as they give a weird look to the face. The best colors for lipsticks are maroons and browns while pinks have to be avoided as they clash with the dusky skin color of the Indian bride.
Indian brides look the best in gold tones as it tends to highlight the bride's face to make them look luminous and beautiful. The Indian bridal make up lasts for about four hours, and to make sure it lasts so long, the bride is advised to not blot the beads of sweat nor rub it as make up may get removed at that spot to give a patchy look to the original skin color.
For the hairstyle, anything from the simple French braid to the complex buns and rolls look good on the Indian bride. You can get readymade hair switches which are effective for elaborate hairstyles and pearls, golden lace, jeweled hair bands and rhinestones for decorating the hairstyle. One important Indian bridal make up tip is to have a trial session before the wedding day so that the beautician can make any modifications, if needed.
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